Negative Impact of Gum on Your Clean Teeth

Negative Impact of Gum on Your Clean Teeth

Despite all the talk of chewing gum and root planing, smoking is a major threat to your clean teeth. It robs your mouth of oxygen, preventing normal gum tissue cells from growing properly. While it may be hard to quit smoking, you can cut down and still maintain a healthy mouth. Moreover, smoking is one of the leading causes of gum disease, which can lead to tooth decay and tooth loss. This article explores the negative impact of chewing gum on your teeth.


Brushing is one of the most basic ways to keep your mouth healthy. Ideally, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, and it’s even better to do so before bed, when you’re more likely to brush away plaque and food particles. Make sure to brush all surfaces of your teeth, including the tongue, and to use short, gentle strokes, so you don’t end up damaging your teeth or gums.

Despite the benefits of flossing and brushing, the fact that consuming acidic beverages can damage your teeth is another reason to ensure your oral health. You should also make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water and limiting your intake of sugary beverages, since these can damage your teeth. Brushing your teeth is important, but it’s not enough. Other methods, such as using dental floss, can protect your teeth and gums from the acidic beverages we consume on a daily basis.


Flossing to clean teeth is an important part of dental hygiene. Plaque on the teeth hardens within 24 to 36 hours and can only be removed by a dental professional. To prevent tartar from forming on the teeth, make sure to floss at least once per day. While you’re flossing, consider using your index and middle fingers to make a loop. Next, slide the floss across the space between your teeth, applying pressure in the opposite direction as you move.

Flossing is an important part of oral hygiene and is a great way to prevent cavities. It also helps remove plaque that is a major contributor to gum disease and tooth decay. Studies show that nearly half of American adults floss at least once daily, but about one-quarter of them do not floss at all. It’s important to remember that even brushing twice a day is not enough to prevent gum disease.

Root planing

Scaling and root planing are procedures that help keep your teeth healthy and free from plaque. These procedures are required when the pockets between your teeth are deep, or three millimeters or deeper. Deep pockets are an early sign of gum disease and can lead to other health issues, such as bone loss, abscesses, and cysts. If you suspect that you are developing gum disease, your periodontist may recommend a regular deep cleaning. Depending on the condition of your gums, scaling and root planing can reduce the depth of your pockets by 0.5 millimeters.

During this procedure, your dentist will remove a small layer of dentin, the second layer of the tooth underneath the enamel. After the procedure, the dentist will flush the area to remove any remaining bacteria. He will also apply pressure to ensure the growth of healthy gum tissue. Afterward, your teeth will be clean, and you can drive and resume your normal activities. Scaling and root planing are generally considered safe and effective procedures. You should still maintain a good oral hygiene regimen at home, including regular brushing and flossing. Your treating dentist may prescribe mouth rinses to aid healing.

Chewing gum

The act of chewing sugar-free gum increases the flow of saliva in the mouth by ten-fold. Saliva neutralizes acids in the mouth and washes away food particles from the teeth. Chewing gum is not a substitute for brushing and flossing, however. Too much gum can cause joint damage and can even worsen an underlying condition like temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ.

Another benefit of chewing gum is that it can increase the immune system, boosting its production. Studies have shown that chewing gum increases the production of Th17 cells in the mouth, which help fight infection. The secret to chewing gum is that some brands contain casein proteins, which are important for maintaining tooth enamel. Furthermore, casein proteins produce a coating on the teeth that helps keep bacteria away. These effects may explain the many reasons that gum is so popular with children.

Avoiding cold food or drinks after a deep dental cleaning

A few days after a deep dental cleaning, your mouth may be numb and you should avoid eating and drinking anything cold for a few hours. However, you should consider eating before your appointment to ensure that you will not be hungry during the process. After twelve hours, you can resume limited eating and drinking. Avoiding hard or crunchy foods or drinks may also be a good idea. If you have been suffering from sore gums for the past few months, you should avoid drinking cold or hot beverages for the next few days.

After a deep dental cleaning, you may also need to stay away from certain acidic foods for a few days. Hot or cold drinks and sticky, or heavily-seasoned foods can make the situation worse. You should also avoid eating spicy or acidic foods. You should also limit the amount of spicy and citrusy foods you eat for the first few days after your cleaning. It is important to follow all of your dentist’s aftercare instructions to help your mouth heal. In the event that you experience unusual pain after your procedure, call your dentist immediately.

Home remedies for maintaining clean teeth

If you’re looking for simple and inexpensive ways to keep your teeth clean, home remedies may be right for you. Using homemade mouthwash with rosemary or fresh mint can make a great alternative to mouthwash that contains chemicals. Brushing with coconut oil or rubbing sesame seeds on your teeth for several minutes will help prevent plaque buildup and keep your teeth looking white. To get the same effect, try rubbing banana or orange peels on your teeth. And of course, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will keep your teeth clean as well.

If you’re looking for an effective way to whiten your teeth without the cost of expensive professional products, you can try baking soda and aloe vera gel. Other ingredients in baking soda include vegetable glycerine or aloe. Another way to whiten your teeth is to apply orange peel to stained areas and rinse with water. While this method is not effective for everyone, it does have some benefits. 서초역치과 It’s a great way to remove stains and give you a bright, white smile.