Oral Hygiene Instructions

Oral hygiene is the foundation of good oral health. It includes brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, and scheduling regular dental checkups.

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Floss Daily

The toothbrush can’t reach all areas of the mouth, so flossing daily is a critical component of good oral hygiene. It removes food, debris and plaque that could otherwise cling to the teeth and lead to tooth decay or gum disease (gum inflammation).

Make flossing an important part of your daily routine by finding a time to do it that works with your schedule. Some people prefer to include it in their morning routine, while others prefer a final cleaning before going to bed.

Flossing can be painful or uncomfortable if done incorrectly, so it’s best to ask your dentist or dental hygienist to show you how to do it correctly. They can also help you find a type of floss that is right for your teeth, such as a regular thread, a dental floss with a sticky end or a flossing tool like a spongy flosser or a dental floss threader. Using these tools will allow you to easily get in between each of your teeth, making the process easier and less painful.

Ask Your Dentist Questions

In addition to helping patients understand the importance of maintaining good oral health, dentists also provide valuable information about how to prevent dental disease and improve overall wellness. This includes educating patients on how to properly brush and floss, limiting sugary foods and drinks, and scheduling regular dental visits.

In the whirlwind of everyday life, it is easy to fall out of routines and neglect important things such as brushing and flossing. Asking a dentist to show you the proper technique can help establish a pattern that will become automatic. This will make it easier to fit your oral hygiene routine into your morning and evening schedule, regardless of what your daily routine consists of.

Oral health is linked to whole-body health, and issues in the mouth can be a sign of other diseases. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to heart problems, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Asking questions at a dental appointment can help identify these issues before they become more serious.